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It's taken us 6 years and 5,000+ deals analyzed to develop our checklist and we’ve successfully sold for $99 to investors and fund managers.
Now, we’re offering it for FREE to our network.
Less than 1% of deals make it through all 9-phases of due diligence. Ensuring you’ll only invest in the best deals by quantifying risk and turning an emotional decision into a logical one.

As seen on:
As seen on:

Have you ever wondered how the top 1% of investors and hedge funds seem to constantly hit home runs with their deals? When they win, they win big. When they lose, they lose small.

They have solid systems and checklists for due diligence that make them confidently write 7 or 8 figure checks with ease.
Then they refine that structure over doing tens of millions of dollars in deals, seeing hundreds of deals per month, and by the end of years of investing they have a system that consistently weeds out the bad and the good deals, leaving only the great.
Over the past 6 years we’ve been on this journey. Analyzing 30 - 60 deals each month. Learning with every deal that comes across our desk. Refining our systems, and refining our due diligence process.


A 9-Phase Due Diligence Checklist that helps us weed out over 99% of all deals so we only invest in the top 0.73%
This way we can write checks with confidence knowing that the deal that makes it through is quantifiably lower risk than 99% of deals that are out there.
This checklist has become so valuable that we’ve easily sold it for $99 to investors and fund managers.
It’s easy to use. Requires no investing experience of your own. And quantifies risk so your investments become logical and not emotional.
Now, we’re giving the tool away for free.
My goal is that by seeing how effective this tool is, you’ll realize how seriously we’ve taken our due diligence process and that will make you not just comfortable, but excited to potentially invest into one of our future funds.
Download your copy now. It comes with a 3 minute video walkthrough of how to use the tool.
Don’t think of it as downloading a tool. Think of it as downloading the knowledge we’ve gotten from analyzing over 5,000 deals in the commercial real estate space.

9-Phase due diligence checklist with 66 points of due diligence
Scoring system with clear YES or NO designation after analyzing a deal
66 questions of due diligence most investors never think to ask
3 minute video walkthrough on how to use and customize the tool
Exclusive access to deals we analyze that PASS this checklist and are top 1% deals in the country
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